All Your Cards Are Belong To Us
The Zero Wing saga. Made famous by the line "All you base belong to us" and in a lesser extent, but my favorite, "Somebody set us up the " And of course the "You know what you doing!" I never have played the game, but have seen tons of videos of these cutscenes. Japanese to English translation spawns many cult followings. This dude might be a little too into it all. They made this card game, Dvorak, which is a set of rules, but the card theme and actual cards are your own. One of the new decks is the "All Your Base" deck. With the famous lines as titles, and little Zigs, you could probably get an hour of fun out of these. You can even download and print off all the cards for free if you want to! Why not try it out, and try the other decks while your at it. Find it and other decks here.
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