Xbox Summit 360 Wrap-Up
Let's start with the box. It is white a green, like the console, and isn't that shocking. No pictures of it though, since Microsoft didn't let anyone take them. The only cool thing about it was that it listed the contents. They include a hard drive, which is great, even though it will most likely be around 20GB (still double the Xbox) they will allow for upgrades down the line. It will also come with an Xbox Live headset, a wireless controller, and Ethernet cables. There were not any cables for hooking up to a TV listed (more on this later.) Overall, it is a good package, and with the stuff, I expect a $300-$360 price range is expectable. I do hope that there are options with different items, maybe if I don't need a headset or Ethernet cables, or when I want two wireless controllers, a bigger hard drive, and a ton of accessories.
The packagings for the games were just like the Xbox version, except for the paper slip insert. The controller was also there, and reports of it being easy to grip, like the Gamecube, and as comfortable as the Sega Saturn were stated.
The thing I was most excited about are the accessories. Everything you could've imagined is here. The will have wireless controllers of course, but also wired ones, since they might interfere with different things (WiFi and cell phones for instance) Were will they put the wired controllers? I hope that they use slots like the original Xbox, so I don't have to buy new controllers for all of my games. There will also be Memory Units, which really have no use with the hard drive in the package. There are a few options for charging. There is the Rechargeable Battery Pack for your controller. The Play and Charge Unit which allows you to charge your controller while playing. The Quick Charge Unit, which allows you to charge you controller quickly. There is a Wireless Network Adapter, which allows you to pick up WiFi signals. This means that it won't be built in, which also means that I will end up paying tons of money for either Microsoft’s Wireless Router, or this adapter. Either way, I lose. Of course, there will be additional hard drives, with more memory. A remote control for the different features. Faceplates will be for sale that let you have a customized look. Then there are the VGA HD, Component AV, and Standard AV cables to hook it up to your TV.
Finally, rumors have been spreading (mainly by 1up) that the Xbox 360 will not come with any form of cable to hook it up to your TV. This is stretching it really far. Just because they didn't put it on the box, doesn't mean that it won't come with the system. They were showing off some of the stuff that will come with the console. That isn't the final design, just one to show people what is coming. These cables are something you should know will come with the system. The things like wireless controllers (could've been wired) and hard drive and headset, nobody could confirm were coming with the console. Please, just take it that it will come, because no console maker wants to discourage casual buyers, because they don't know how to hook it up!
Well, that’s my Xbox Summit wrap-up, some great games have been announced, and more details on some, so be prepared for some awesome game coverage.
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