A little bit of update!
I know I haven't been posting on here, even about the latest episode of my 60 Frames Per Second Podcast! Anyway, I will give an update about what's happening on my computer lately. I recently downloaded the newest version of Open Office, and since Microsoft Word crashed everytime I use it, this might work. So far not a whole lot of problems with it. I also got a program called Nvu, for website editing. I tried and tried to use it to make a cool looking sit,e and then edit this existing site, but it's just too hard to work with for me. I will be looking for an alternative soon. The latest episode of my podcast is out, and you can get it at the site. Today I will be recording the next episode, number 5, with Jonathan as a guest host again. Still no intro music, I might just end up making some myself. Other than that, not a whole lot going on. I'll be sure to keep up with the latest in tech news, and if I don't post, check out my sidebar for *cough*ads*cough* the latest Digg stories I like.